The link goes through to a definition of the requirements for an Anti Social Behaviour Order. Urinating in the street, as shown in the photograph, above, may not on its own meet all the criteria for
an ASBO -
(behaving) 'in a manner that caused or was likely to cause harassment, alarm or distress to one or more persons not of the same household as himself'.
However the cummulative effect of loud car stereos, shouting, racing cars and so on must surely fit the bill. Why do we have to put up with this?
We were also being seriously disturbed by youths on Breezers Hill (Last yr, the couple living opposite us in Telfords Yard had a brick thrown through their window when they shouted down to the offenders).
They seem to have moved down the road since we threw eggs at them in desperation one night in May!!
Have you also put cards up in Telfords Yard and the other blocks? They may also provide support.
Thanks for the comment. Much appreciated. I'll pass some cards to Telfords Yard tomorrow.
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