Saturday, 4 October 2008

Mango's - Pennington Street - 4 Oct - 03:00

Some excellent photographic evidence here from a local resident and blog contributor who adds -
'I thought it pertinent to mention that the "member of staff employed some distance from the premises to encourage the exiting patrons to leave the area quickly and quietly" was nowhere to be seen during these photographs. Nor were they around in the two hours following the police's departure, quite surprising given the events that had just occurred. During those two hours patrons were back to their usual singing, dancing, screaming, smashing glass and playing their car stereos loudly.'


Anonymous said...

My boyfriend and I were woken up at around 2.00 am last night (3rd October) by the usual shouting, car stereos and congregations of Mango's clubbers outside our flat. This disturbance persisted until around 3.30am, during which time we had to put up with vehicles racing up and down the cobbled street combined with speaker systems which rattle our bedroom window. At around 3.30am, my boyfriend went to our front door to take down the number plates of all the cars within view.
However, he witnessed a young woman who lives above us in an Artichoke Hill flat, being verbally abused,shoved and pushed by a gang of Asian men when she came out to ask them to move away from the street. There were no security staff or Mango's offials any where in sight. I will email the car details to the suggested address and my boyfriend is happy confirm he witnessed this incident should this woman want to come forward or take the matter further.

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Thanks for taking the time to comment. It's great that you have sent off the car details to the council. I have to say that I am appalled by the incident involving your neighbour and I sincerely hope she is allright. Keep the comments coming.

Anonymous said...

I was woken up repeatedly on Friday night from 12 until 3.30am with groups of men shouting and hanging around in their cars listening to extremely loud music on Artichoke Hill. I am disgusted that Mangos have the audacity to say that they employ someone to “encourage the exiting patrons to leave the area quickly and quietly". What a joke.

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

The point about the 'member of staff encouraging exiting patrons to leave quietly' comes from a letter from Clive Shipman. You can click through to it on 'copy of a letter'. It is indeed unfortunate that Mr Shipman is under the impression that there have been no complaints about Mango's this year. I am trying to find out where the disconnection is because - obviously - a lot of people have complained this year. I am sure that if Mr Shipman could see what we have to endure down here that he would have less faith in the 'member of staff'.

Spunkmaster General (@SpunkmasterG) said...

Friday the 3rd of October was marred for me by the running, between approximately 1.30 - 2.00am,of a car which seemed to be doing timed laps around Pennington St./ Wapping lane / The Highway/ Victoria St. I was timing the laps and they seemed consistent, racing down Pennington St. then silent for approx 2-3 mins and racing past again. There is no way any pedestrians on the road are safe when that sort of reckless driving is happening in the dark, outside a club with lots of people crossing the road.

Anonymous said...

Dear Neighbours,

we are suffering this problem since we moved here a couple of years ago. Everytime is getting worse and worse and more agressive. Before i used to ask them to switch off the music and they used to do, Nowadays, they have huge amounts of alcohol and they just don´t even bother to listen what you have to say. On Friday it was me the one who face them at 330 in the morning. I had a hard week, working long hours and sleep few, I didnt even ask my husband -who sleeps quite deeply- to come with me. I will keep doing this because this is dreadful, disrespectul, annoying and childish. They behave like drunk animals. Hopefully we can do something without having to go this far

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Thank you very much indeed for taking the time to leave a comment. I think you are absolutely right when you say it is getting worse and worse. Other contributors to the blog have said exactly the same thing. With that in mind, although I'm full of admiration for your courage, I would urge you not to go out and confront them. The best bet is to call the police.
Keep coming back to the blog. If nothing else, you can see that you are not alone in fighting back.

Anonymous said...

Dear neighbours,
I found a flyer outside our block today about this site.
I have been annoyed from the noise and the antisocial behaviour since January 2008 that i moved in Artichoke hill.
Last Friday the 3rd i did wake up at 330 and it sounded like a riot outside! But i got the passive attitude of not even trying to look anymore whats going on outside..
This situation is horrific... I was thinking what if i was coming home from clubbing alone and i would come face to face with these people...
I hesitate to come home alone that late and I prefer to stay over at my friends.
I thought many times of going to Adgate Police station. But i never had any encounter with the police in this country and I didnt do it. Only once I talked with policemen that I met on the Highway and talked to them about the broken windows from cars that we have all seen these past two months on Artichoke Hill. There were 4 cars at different times of the day. They said they would report it to the station responsible.
In any case I am moving out in 2 months, but I will really try for something better for this neighborhood.
I hope things will run as smoothly as possible in the future.
Its a great blog.Thanks.

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Great to hear from you. Keep coming back to the blog while you are still in the area. We really need your comments, especially if you witness anything in the street.
Very best wishes for your future plans.

Anonymous said...

I too found your flyer on the door and in my mailbox (good advertising :)

Also i have been repeatedly disturbed by the people discussed above, i live in block of flats at 2 artichoke hill and my flat faces Pennington.

Glad to find out there is people are fighting against this.

What is the chance of shutting down the Mango's club - or forcing the council to take action against it?

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Great to hear from you, Alan. I think there is every chance that we can get a result with this. I spoke to the police this morning and was very reassured by how seriously they are taking it and how well aware they are of what we are putting up with. The Community Safety people at the council and Daniel Oyebanjo in particular are very much aware of the issue and very keen to get it resolved. The main thing is to keep the pressure on - call the police, take pictures, email the councillors - all that sort of thing. There is no way we should have to put up with the bedlam that goes on here at the weekends. Thanks for leaving a comment.

Unknown said...

Is anyone in favour of getting the street tarmac'd?

This would reduce the car and truck noise.

Its patchy all over and looks poor anyway.

Getting back on topic - is there any point someone writing up a template email / letter and getting as many residence as possible to send it??