Thursday, 2 October 2008

History – Copyright

Some of the more recent arrivals to the Pennington Street area may not be aware that the previous club on Mango’s site was also the cause of considerable nuisance to residents. Clients of ‘Copyright’, as it was then known, would tend to congregate around Breezers Court :

‘The noise is worst by Breezers Court because they congregate up at this end of the road. They move their cars from outside the club up to this end of the road...Additionally violence or arguments seem to kick off around Breezers Hill – and there is a lot of shouting, screams etc. ...but the club should be taking precautions to ensure the crowd is managed effectively. There was a serious assault outside Telford ’s Yard a couple of months back, which involved clubbers too.’

Sound familiar? This is taken from an email from a local resident dated September 2006. I am very grateful to my neighbours for taking the time to pass on this and other relevant emails. The Mango’s site has been a cause of complaint for some time.

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