Saturday, 4 October 2008

Letter from LBTH Environmental Health

I am grateful to Councillor Emma Jones for forwarding a complaint on to the department of Environmental Health at LBTH. This morning, Saturday 4 October, I received a copy of a letter to Councillor Jones from Clive Shipman, Assistant Head of Service at, LBTH Communities Localities & Culture.

If, like me, you did not get back to sleep until about 04:30 this morning I would strongly advise a few deep breaths before you approach the letter; 'Mango's Nightclub...have a member of staff employed some distance from the premises to encourage the exiting patrons to leave the area quickly and quietly. This is more than we could require of the management and shows willingness on their part to address the problem.'

Funnily enough, I am also willing to address the problem.

If anyone has any difficulty in clicking through to the scans contact and I'll send the images directly.


Spunkmaster General (@SpunkmasterG) said...

That letter from Environmental Health is typical. I have only every witnessed one member of Mango's staff move people along which was months ago AFTER we called the club at 3.20 a.m to complain and threatened to call the police. That was a one-off.

Anonymous said...

I have seen one official from Mangos in the year I have lived here. That evening he was standing on the corner of Artichoke Hill watching a young Asian man running on top of cars. He simply laughed! Not what I would call leaving "quickly and quietly"