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This is an online record of noise disturbance and anti-social behaviour caused by clients of Mango's nightclub in Pennington Street. Mango's appeal was dismissed by Thames Magistrates Court on 19 January 2010. They may appeal to the Crown Court. Success could be a matter of weeks away. Please continue to leave your comments here.
I was woken by the usual shouting, loud music, cars accelerating and fighting on both Friday and Saturday night after people left Mangoes. On Friday I was woken at 2.30am until 3.30am and eventually called the Police. The next night I was woken up at 2.50am until 4.00am.
It looks as if even the bad weather doesn't keep them quiet. Thanks for leaving your comment. Calling the Police is very helpful indeed. Watch the blog for news of further developments in the campaign.
I didn't get any sleep at the weekend also. Would it be worth informing the East End Life editorial team about our plight? Their website states that the paper "is distributed to more than 75,000 homes and businesses across the borough every week"
It would definitely be worthwhile tracking down Kate Taylor who wrote this story.
The night of Friday 14th was relatively quiet - I think the Credit Crunch may have kicked in! Satuarday night was extremely noisy however with the bass from the club and patrons leaving the club who were parked on Pennington Street adjacent to the Artichoke Hill flats. Did anyone else hear anything?
Friday 21st and Saturday 22nd November were hell. I was woken continuously from 2.30 until 4.30 on the Friday with the usual aggressive, loud shouting, car sound systems, car engines and beeping horns. Cars were parked directly outside my flat with Mangos patrons drinking while listening to loud music before entering. When they got out of their cars they simply threw the bottles onto the street smashing them. On the Saturday morning there were hundreds of flyers strewn across the street along with the broken glass. On the Sunday morning there was a used condom thrown out of a car! How is this acceptable behaviour? An individual who lives in Artichoke Hill who parks his car outside the flats has now started to place a notice in his car stating that “nothing is left in the car, don’t waste your time”. How has it come to this?
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