Friday, 4 December 2009


A local resident left the following comment on an older post:

"Friday 27th and Saturday 28th- Mangos patrons show the usual amount of respect by shouting, swearing, speeding down the street, fighting. Saturday was particularly bad with hundreds of people coming out of the club from 2:45am onwards. One group of around 10 drunk men stayed around the corner of Artichoke Hill sat in cars from 3:00am until 4:30am listening to loud music. No one from Mangos was there to move them on. I was unable to get back to sleep until they left. Another show of how little the owners of Mangos care about the surrounding residential area. HOW CAN THIS KEEP GOING ON!?"


Anonymous said...

Did anyone experience any unruly behaviour over the Christmas period? I was out of London at this point.

Anonymous said...

I'm sure the New Year weekend will be chaos. I'm dreading it!!!

Anonymous said...

Homestly, over the Christmas period, Mangos was very quiet. People choose to go clubbing elsewhere..
And on New year's people were very merry and just happy rather than loud and disturbing. Besides, its the holidays, most people are on holiday over Christmas and New years so everyone's joining in on the fun. People shouldn't be allowed to complain over the Christmas holidays. Its the Christmas holidays!

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

I am a bit puzzled by your comment. If you look at the description of this blog you will see it begins with the following statement:
'This is an online record of noise disturbance and anti-social behaviour caused by clients of Mango's nightclub in Pennington Street.'
If you are not disturbed by Mango's, I have to wonder why you would take the time to leave a comment.
Furthermore, the picture you paint of peaceful and reasonable merry-makers is not at all consistent with the video footage accumulated by various local residents driven to distraction by the regular noise, disturbance, violence and crime that comes as a result of living near Mango's.