Tuesday, 5 May 2009

Mango's to appeal

It should come as no surprise that Mango's will appeal the council's decision to revoke their licence. On page 13 of Docklands 24 of Wednesday 6 May, 2009 there is an article under the headline, 'Owners to fight revoked licence'.

In the article Mr Sharma makes a number of statements. He states for example that 'For the sake of 10-15 neighbours they are taking my licence away.' At the time of writing there are nearly 1000 hits on this blog. Are we to attribute this traffice to '10-15' neighbours?

Signatures from 65 neighbours were submitted to the council.

Mr Sharma goes on to state, 'I can't see the justice - we're in a small commercial area which is not residential.'

If the area is not residential how are we to explain the 65 signatures? These signatures included many from Breezers Court and Telford's Yard as well as Artichoke Hill. The presence of The Times and a garage does not make our area into an industrial estate.

Over the coming weeks it is imperative that we continue to gather evidence of the problem. The council may well have found our case compelling but we are close to a solution now and must bring all efforts to bear to ensure that the appeal is not upheld.


Anonymous said...

It is a joke how he has apparantly started a litter free zone within 150 yards of the nightclub. The street is as dirty as ever - broken alchol bottles and fast food wrappers everywhere!

Anonymous said...

Its all irrelevant anyway, what ever paltry measures are taken don't actually solve the ultimate problem of the club being there full stop. I was still aware of cars turning down artichoke hill at the weekend, and people talking and walking past to get to Mangos at all hours as well as the bottles left on the pavement the next day. I dont think any thing other than complete closure is acceptable now, token gestures are too little too late.

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Many thanks for your comment. Absolutely dead right. Any traffic cones, 'please leave the club quietly' signs, litter picking or hand-wringing makes no difference to residents. People live here and a great many of them suffer significant nuisance as a result of Mango's in the street. It has to go.
Anyone coming to the blog now should see that it hasnt't been a waste of time. We're nearly there. Keep pushing.

Anonymous said...

Mr Sharma's comments show he has no respect for the people living in this comunity. He feels that 10 - 15 neighbors are insignificant. The problems we have faced due to this club are significant even if it was only 1 person.

Anonymous said...

I for one am glad that we managed to get a say on the closure of Mangos. I have suffered £1500 damage to my car from someone kicking my car, fights, people having sex outside my window, arguments, shouting, talking too loud, people smoking drugs outside my window, loud cars zooming off, not to mention bottles and macdonald wrappers all over the place. At least now I can sleep at nights!

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Many thanks for your comment. If you suffer any more disturbance please leave a comment here describing what happened.