Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Infernal din...

Click on the image for a larger version.


Anonymous said...

Shocked at how Mangos say "it goes out of its way to keep disturbance to a minimum"! Parking attendant? never seen them. They just cant stop how people act coming and going from the club.

I don't want to hear your car stereo at 04:00 am said...

Quite a few people have expressed their surprise at this. The Council's Community Safety team seem convinced that Mango's has a whole team of fearless, single-minded individuals whose one aim in life is to prevent any disturbance in Pennington Street. Funny how rarely they're sighted...

Anonymous said...

Saw the article and video on the Docklands24 website - wanted to show supprt. The club seems to attract loud, anti social people to its door and the problem will persist