Thursday, 22 January 2009

11th January, 2009

More footage of the howling, urinating, car door-slamming, brawling and bawling individuals who patronise Mango's. Police officers and Mango's security staff are nowhere in sight.

Monday, 12 January 2009

Drunk, enraged...and ARMED.

The following comment was left by a local resident:

Mango’s was obviously in full swing again on Saturday night (10 January, 2009) as I was kept awake until after 4 o’clock in the morning with the usual gangs of Mango’s customers shouting, urinating in the street, playing ridiculously loud music and beeping car horns relentlessly outside my flat.However, I just wanted to warn you all about an incident myself and my boyfriend witnessed in the early hours of Sunday morning (11th January.)At about 3 am we became aware of a particularly aggressive and loud argument escalating in the middle of the street. At this point we got up to look out of our window to check what was happening and saw a young Asian man who was clearly drunk and enraged, threatening to go after someone and “get them.” His friend who had driven them there was trying to calm him down but after the argument continued and the first man was getting more aggressive towards his friend, they both went over to the boot of their car and rummaged for something, (lowering the boot door and shielding the view whenever a car passed.) It was then that the drunk man produced a long, metallic blue cosh in one hand and a large butchers knife with an 8 inch blade in the other. His friend began demanding the drunk man to give it him back and this argument continued for 5 minutes during which time we took the make and model of the car and its number plate. Eventually, the driver managed to take the knife off his friend and persuade him to get in the car, they then drove off. We phoned the police immediately and gave them full details.We’ve seen a lot of anti social behaviour since living on Pennington street but this was by far the worst. The fact that people are now bringing weapons in to our street just to go on a night out is frightening and it goes without saying we would never be exposed to this level of danger if it weren’t for Mango’s. This also suggests that any safety measures Mango’s may claim to put in place (a security attendant was no where to be seen all night) clearly have no benefit to us as residents. The metal detectors on Mango’s door just mean that people leave their knives in the car and take any violence into our street later.

For all we know this is a common occurence. For all we know there could even be firearms in some of these cars. The key point, and a point very well made by this contributor, is that residents would not be exposed to weapons in the street were it not for Mango's.