Sunday, 31 August 2008

Saturday 23 August

The Bank Holiday weekend is always a good bet for noise. Around 23:30 - midnight a group of three youths were drinking in the Times' smoking shelter and making a considerable amount of racket. An Australian woman - possibly from Breezers Court - went out to try and explain to them what a nuisance they were causing. She also talked with the security guard or whoever it was smoking outside. A guy in a suit came out to get into a waiting Mercedes and saw what was going on. Full marks to the Australian girl. No doubt she was woken up again around 04:00 when we were treated to a particularly loud rendition of 'Mundian To Bach Ke' by Panjabi MC. Puerile.

Please comment if you saw any of this.

Sunday 31 August

03:00 - 03:30 Group of youths in Pennington Street, drinking and shouting.

Weekend Noise

At the weekends I am regularly disturbed by groups of youths standing around their cars, drinking, shouting, occasionally fighting or running up and down the street screaming, all to the accompaniment of powerful car stereos. This tends to happen at midnight, when, I presume, they are getting ready to join the queue for Mango's, and then around 03:00 to 04:00 am.

I have started this blog in order to record specific instances of this disturbance. I ended up calling it Pennington Street Noise but I am well aware that Breezers Hill also suffers from the same problem and I would be surprised if the other streets in the area were not affected.

If you live in the area, please comment on here whenever you suffer from noise of this kind.